Mata Amritanandamayi Math Starts Free All-India Legal Cell
27 September 2003
Amma’s 50th birthday is a red-letter date in the history of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math’s charitable activities, for it marks the beginning of Amrita Neeti Pratishtan: an all-India legal cell dedicated to providing free assistance to India’s poor.
The Pratishtan, which was inaugurated by India’s Honourable Union Minister of State for Law & Justice, Shri. P.C. Thomas, was initially comprised of 1008 practicing lawyers, professors of law and retired judicial officers, but that number has since grown to more than 1400, with lawyers of all caste and creeds being invited to donate their talents and time in the quest to provide proper legal recourse to society’s underdogs.
The legal cell’s inauguration began with Amma blessing its charter, which outlines its areas of focus: namely provision of dispute-resolution mechanisms of mediation and conciliation; the fighting of human-rights abuse, crimes against the environmental and violations of tribal law; as well as the provision of legal assistance to the physically challenged, mentally disabled and other less privileged sections of society. The Pratishtan also is attempting to infuse India’s legal system with spiritual principles and, in general, to help people view their legal, social and other related problems from a spiritual perspective, thereby helping find solutions.
The Pratishtan pledge was then read aloud by Shri. Jawaharlal Gupta, the Honourable Chief Justice of Kerala, and repeated by hundreds of participating lawyers assembled in the front of the stage. With their right hands raised, they swore to serve the poor and needy.
“We, the members of Amrita Kripa Neeti Pratishtan, solemnly take pledge that we shall strive our best towards the upliftment of the weaker sections of society in their struggle towards social and economic justice, and we shall, through the selfless sharing of our talents, knowledge and wisdom, render justice to suffering humanity and devote ourselves to the fulfilment of the objects of the Pratishtan, as envisioned by Amma.”
Finally, the pledge was handed over to Minister Thomas, who announced that India’s Law Department had taken serious note of the Pratishtan and would assist in its implementation.