Vani Daisy Rockliffe (France)
An excerpt of the Vani’s Amritavarsham50 Youth Summit speech on Amma’s impact on her life.
“The most important change Amma has brought about in my life is that She gives everything I do a meaning. What is considered the most boring action—like washing the dishes after a meal or taking the bus to school—can become the most special moment of the day. It all depends on the attitude with which we do it. Without Her presence and the desire to feel Her love, I would just drift aimlessly, feeling ignorant and lost. With Her, nothing is insignificant or devoid of meaning. Every second gives us an opportunity to think of the Divine, or serve Her, because She dwells within everyone and everything.
“Once, I started scrubbing the floor of the kitchen at my parents’ house, and I ended up spending most of the day cleaning the kitchen because I felt so happy, imagining I was getting the house ready for Amma.
“The beauty and freshness that is in my life, I see as Amma alone. Every action I perform can be a step towards attaining a little more of that love and compassion that flows constantly from Her.
“The view of modern society is that we must fight to get all we can out of life. But in fact, we are part of creation, and that creation gives us an opportunity to grow, especially through difficult situations that we have to face. Amma shows us that every situation that arises is through Her will, and that getting angry and impatient only results in a big waste of energy. In this way, She has given me a little more patience and acceptance.”