Shri. Vyomesh Joshi,
Executive Vice President of Imaging & Printing Group,
On a break during Amritavarsham50‘s CEO Summit, Ron Gottsegen, AIMS Hospital’s administrative director, took Vyomesh Joshi—the executive vice-president of Imaging and Printing Group, Hewlett-Packard—on a tour of Amma’s super-specialty hospital. Upon their return, Mr. Joshi excitedly, yet systematically, enumerated the many aspects that impressed him.
“I am amazed by the high level of technology used here. Everything is digital. The information is always available, always accurate.
“The second thing that impressed me was the people. The people who work here are very dedicated, that all their actions come from the heart. I saw that. Everyone seemed very caring. When we walked into a room, everyone stood up, smiled and said, ‘Om Namah Shivaya‘
“Because so many patients are treated at AIMS, the staff are very busy, and their work ethic seems very high. Work productivity is really impressive. Just look at the number of catheterisations, surgeries and outpatient visits.
“The whole community of patients comes here without any advertising. And now AIMS is getting 500 more beds. Patients know they will be taken care of without being over-charged. They trust that no unnecessary tests are performed here. That faith brings a lot of people. Patients come with the belief that they are going to be treated well and are going to get well.
“One of the most amazing things is the economic value AIMS is providing. The fee for bypass surgery is $1,200, for those who pay. Others pay much less or nothing at all. The low fee has transformed the whole healthcare industry because fees in other hospitals have to come down as well.
“On top of that, it’s incredible that AIMS has its own research institution and is training its own researchers.
“We also went to the neo-natal area. It is wonderful that when these patients leave the hospital, they are healthy. Everywhere we went, there were smiles.
“This hospital is very clean. I have not seen this kind of standard before in Indian hospitals. I have seen many Indian hospitals.”
When Dr. Prem Nair, AIMS’ medical director, explained that Amrita Seva volunteers do all the cleaning of the hospital and take great pride in their work, Mr. Joshi said, “That difference is evident.” Dr. Prem continued, “They are so devoted that we trained them to be nursing assistants so they can stay with patients who have no family.”
Mr. Joshi said that he learned a great deal. “What I have learned applies to leadership skills. It was interesting that I couldn’t figure out who the doctor was and who the nurses or the lab technicians were. There didn’t seem to be any egos here.
“I’m going to take this concept of love and compassion to the next level at HP. This is an excellent model of how you really make a productive enterprise. I think we can apply that in a special way.”